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The story of

Ruchi Agarwal

“Straight from the Heart” this book is basically about myself, about what has been erupted straight from my heart. Some of the poems are effusively emotional and some are based on general views that we go through in every days life, observed very minutely, like the poem “Jhalmuriwala”.

Some write-ups are related to my personal life. This book is a mixed bad. It contains write-ups in all context. May it be human thoughts or a motivational one, Godly as well as spiritual poems. This is my debut book to reach out to maximum people, to let them understand themselves better through my thoughts, to let them observe their surrounding very keenly and to realize that there is life in every moment and that every moment can be created into a story to be remembered forever.

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"Straight from the Heart" this book is basically about myself, about what has been erupted straight from my heart.

Ruchi Agarwal
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18 Apr



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